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Daisy Askins

Open Day at Ironbridge Community Willow Bed

This coming Thursday (28th March), we'll be holding an Open Day at the Ironbridge Community Willow Bed to celebrate the completion of our project (funded by the Green Communities Grant), and to give local residents an opportunity to have a look around and see what we've been up to over the past few months. Its free to attend, and you can drop-in whenever you like between 1pm and 3pm.

The Severn Gorge Countryside Trust volunteer and staff team will be there to give you a tour of the site, including the newly laid hedge, the restored willow coppice, the new beds we planted with specialist willow cuttings, and the living willow structures. I'll be there giving basketry demonstrations, and giving people the opportunity to have a go at willow weaving themselves.

Car parking is available at the Coalbrookdale Community Centre, and the willow bed is a lovely 10 minute walk away from there, along a stream and former railway line.

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