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Mid Wales Arts Centre Exhibition

Daisy Askins

I'm delighted that my curlew willow sculpture is going to be part of The Plight of the Curlew exhibition at the Mid Wales Arts Centre, held in collaboration with Curlew Connections Wales. The exhibition is open 23 March - 11 May, Wednesday - Sunday, 11am-4pm.

The exhibition features work from artists across the UK, and aims to celebrate the beautiful curlew, which experts predict will be extinct by 2033 unless drastic action takes place to reverse their decline.

My piece is made from several different willow varieties, grown in Shropshire. Its distinctive long crescent shaped beak, and knobbly knees are purposefully accentuated to capture the intrigue of the curlew and the many stories and artworks that it has inspired over the centuries. I'm looking forward to seeing it sit alongside the other pieces in the exhibition when it opens next week.

The Mid Wales Arts Centre is a not-for-profit voluntary organisation, working with artists, young people and the local community to develop access to the arts at all levels in Mid Wales. It was founded by Cathy Knapp, and her husband Stefan Knapp who was an internationally renowned enamellist and sculptor. The Centre has various gallery and spaces, alongside a cafe, shop and sculpture garden, and they run a busy programme of events, workshops and exhibitions throughout the year.




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